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In the year 1951

351 Notable deaths

Henrietta Lacks

American woman whose cancer cells are the source of the hela cell line.

Born August 1st, 1920 in Roanoke.

Died October 4th, 1951 at 31 years old in Baltimore (cervical adenocarcinoma).

William Randolph Hearst

American newspaper publisher (1863–1951).

Born April 29th, 1863 in San Francisco. [ref]

Died August 14th, 1951 at 88 years old in Beverly Hills (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Austrian-british philosopher (1889–1951).

Born April 26th, 1889 in Neuwaldegg. [ref]

Died April 29th, 1951 at 62 years old in Cambridge (prostate cancer). [ref]

Philippe Pétain

French military and political leader (1856-1951).

Born April 24th, 1856 in Cauchy-à-la-Tour. [ref]

Died July 23rd, 1951 at 95 years old in Port-Joinville. [ref]

Shoeless Joe Jackson

American baseball player.

Born July 16th, 1887 in Pickens County.

Died December 5th, 1951 at 64 years old in Greenville (myocardial infarction).

Arnold Schoenberg

Austrian-jewish american composer (1874-1951).

Born September 13th, 1874 in Vienna. [ref]

Died July 13th, 1951 at 76 years old in Los Angeles (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Ferdinand Porsche

Austrian-german automotive engineer, inventor and nazi who founded the porsche car company.

Born September 3rd, 1875 in Vratislavice nad Nisou.

Died January 30th, 1951 at 75 years old in Stuttgart (infarction). [ref]

Fanny Brice

American actress, singer and comedian.

Born October 29th, 1891 in Manhattan. [ref]

Died May 29th, 1951 at 59 years old in Hollywood (cerebral hemorrhage). [ref]

Wilhelm, German Crown Prince

German crown prince (1882-1951).

Born May 6th, 1882 in Potsdam.

Died July 20th, 1951 at 69 years old in Hechingen (disease).

Liaquat Ali Khan

First prime minister of the islamic republic of pakistan (1895-1951).

Born October 1st, 1895 in Karnal.

Died October 16th, 1951 at 56 years old in Rawalpindi.

Deaths 1 to 10 of 351

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1952 »

Every exit is an entry somewhere else. Tom Stoppard