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American singer, guitarist and songwriter.
Born November 17th, 1966 in Anaheim. [ref]
Died May 29th, 1997 at 30 years old in Memphis (drowning). [ref]
American actor and filmmaker (1936–2010).
Born May 17th, 1936 in Dodge City. [ref]
Died May 29th, 2010 at 74 years old in Venice (prostate cancer). [ref]
Indian singer-rapper (1993–2022).
Born June 15th, 1993 in Moosa.
Died May 29th, 2022 at 28 years old in Mansa district. [ref]
American politician from arizona (1909–1998).
Born January 1st, 1909 in Phoenix. [ref]
Died May 29th, 1998 at 89 years old in Paradise Valley (stroke). [ref]
Indian actor (1906-1972).
Born November 3rd, 1906 in Faisalabad.
Died May 29th, 1972 at 65 years old in Mumbai (cancer).
Panamanian head of state (1934-2017).
Born February 11th, 1934 in Panama City.
Died May 29th, 2017 at 83 years old in Panama City (brain tumor). [ref]
Canadian-american actress (1892-1979).
Born April 8th, 1893 in Toronto. [ref]
Died May 29th, 1979 at 86 years old in Santa Monica (cerebral hemorrhage). [ref]
American stand-up comedian.
Born February 15th, 1927 in Chicago.
Died May 29th, 2008 at 81 years old in Los Angeles (abdominal aortic aneurysm).
American actor of stage, screen and radio (1882-1942).
Born February 14th, 1882 in Philadelphia. [ref]
Died May 29th, 1942 at 60 years old in Los Angeles (pneumonia, liver cirrhosis, kidney failure). [ref]
German-french actress (1938–1982).
Born September 23rd, 1938 in Vienna. [ref]
Died May 29th, 1982 at 43 years old in 7th arrondissement of Paris (myocardial infarction). [ref]
Deaths 1 to 10 of 162
For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one. Kahlil Gibran