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American actress (1947–2009).
Born February 2nd, 1947 in Corpus Christi. [ref]
Died June 25th, 2009 at 62 years old in Santa Monica (colorectal cancer). [ref]
American astrophysicist, cosmologist, author and science educator (1934-1996).
Born November 9th, 1934 in Brooklyn. [ref]
Died December 20th, 1996 at 62 years old in Seattle (pneumonia). [ref]
American theoretical physicist, known as "father of the atomic bomb".
Born April 22nd, 1904 in New York City. [ref]
Died February 18th, 1967 at 62 years old in Princeton (lung cancer). [ref]
American actress (1933-1995).
Born April 15th, 1933 in Hollywood.
Died May 18th, 1995 at 62 years old in Beverly Hills (colorectal cancer). [ref]
British-american author and journalist (1949-2011).
Born April 13th, 1949 in Portsmouth. [ref]
Died December 15th, 2011 at 62 years old in Houston (esophageal cancer, bronchopneumonia, cancer). [ref]
English singer (1949–2012).
Born December 22nd, 1949 in Douglas. [ref]
Died May 20th, 2012 at 62 years old in London (cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer). [ref]
Greece prince; father of prince philip, duke of edinburgh (1882-1944).
Born February 2nd, 1882 in Tatoi Palace.
Died December 3rd, 1944 at 62 years old in Hotel Metropole.
American entertainer, musician and politician (1935-1998).
Born February 16th, 1935 in Detroit. [ref]
Died January 5th, 1998 at 62 years old in Stateline (skiing accident). [ref]
Iranian senior military officer.
Born March 11th, 1957 in Qanat-e Malek, Kerman. [ref]
Died January 3rd, 2020 at 62 years old in Baghdad International Airport (airstrike). [ref]
African-american mobster (1905-1968).
Born October 31st, 1905 in Charleston.
Died July 7th, 1968 at 62 years old in Harlem (myocardial infarction).
Deaths 1 to 10 of 865
We are born from a quiet sleep, and we die to a calm awakening. Zhuangzi