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American actress, model, and singer (1926-1962).
Born June 1st, 1926 in Los Angeles. [ref]
Died August 5th, 1962 at 36 years old in Brentwood (barbiturate overdose).
German-austrian ss officer and one of the major organizers of the holocaust (1906–1962).
Born March 19th, 1906 in Solingen.
Died June 1st, 1962 at 56 years old in Ramla (hanging). [ref]
American politician, diplomat, activist; first lady of the united states (1884-1962).
Born October 11th, 1884 in Manhattan. [ref]
Died November 7th, 1962 at 78 years old in Upper East Side (tuberculosis). [ref]
Italian-american mobster.
Born November 24th, 1897 in Lercara Friddi.
Died January 26th, 1962 at 64 years old in Naples (myocardial infarction).
American writer (1897-1962).
Born September 25th, 1897 in New Albany. [ref]
Died July 6th, 1962 at 64 years old in Byhalia (myocardial infarction). [ref]
Danish physicist (1885–1962).
Born October 7th, 1885 in Copenhagen.
Died November 18th, 1962 at 77 years old in Copenhagen (heart failure).
Indian engineer, scholar, statesman and the diwan of mysore.
Born September 15th, 1861 in Muddenahalli. [ref]
Died April 14th, 1962 at 100 years old in Mysore. [ref]
German writer (1877–1962).
Born July 2nd, 1877 in Calw. [ref]
Died August 9th, 1962 at 85 years old in Montagnola (cerebral hemorrhage). [ref]
English-born american stage and film actor and director (1899-1962).
Born July 1st, 1899 in Scarborough. [ref]
Died December 15th, 1962 at 63 years old in Hollywood (kidney cancer). [ref]
Soviet general and son of joseph stalin.
Born March 21st, 1921 in Moscow.
Died March 19th, 1962 at 40 years old in Kazan.
Deaths 1 to 10 of 429
I feel monotony and death to be almost the same. Charlotte Brontë