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Hermann Hesse

German writer (1877–1962).

Born July 2nd, 1877 in Calw. [ref]

Died August 9th, 1962 at 85 years old in Montagnola (cerebral hemorrhage). [ref]

illustrator, literary, novelist, painter, philosopher, poet, resistance fighter, writer

On August 9, 1962, Hermann Hesse, renowned Nobel Prize-winning author and thinker, passed away in Switzerland at the age of 85. Hesse was born in Calw, Germany in July 1877 and moved to Basel, Switzerland in 1912. He was widely known for his works of fiction and poetry, including works such as Siddhartha, Steppenwolf, and The Glass Bead Game. He was also widely respected for exploring the spiritual and psychological aspects of life in his writings. Hesse's works had an immense influence on modern literature, being translated into more than 35 languages with over 50 million copies sold worldwide. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1946. Hesse's death marks the end of a brilliant life of philosophical exploration and thought. He will be deeply missed and remembered by all who have been touched by his works.

Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. Unknown