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In the year 2011

936 Notable deaths

Steve Jobs

American entrepreneur and co-founder of apple inc. (1955–2011).

Born February 24th, 1955 in San Francisco. [ref]

Died October 5th, 2011 at 56 years old in Palo Alto (pancreatic cancer). [ref]

Amy Winehouse

British singer and songwriter (1983–2011).

Born September 14th, 1983 in London, Southgate. [ref]

Died July 23rd, 2011 at 27 years old in London Borough of Camden, London (intoxication). [ref]

Osama bin Laden

Saudi terrorist and co-founder of al-qaeda (1957–2011).

Born March 10th, 1957 in Riyadh. [ref]

Died May 2nd, 2011 at 54 years old in Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad (ballistic trauma). [ref]

Elizabeth Taylor

British-american actress (1932-2011).

Born February 27th, 1932 in Hampstead Garden Suburb. [ref]

Died March 23rd, 2011 at 79 years old in Los Angeles (congestive heart failure). [ref]

Muammar Gaddafi

Libyan revolutionary, politician and political theorist (1942–2011).

Born June 7th, 1942 in Qasr Abu Hadi. [ref]

Died October 20th, 2011 at 69 years old in Sirte (lynching, ballistic trauma). [ref]

John Paul Getty III

Eldest of the four children of john paul getty, jr. (1956-2011).

Born November 4th, 1956 in Minneapolis.

Died February 5th, 2011 at 54 years old in Wormsley Park (disease). [ref]

Kim Jong-il

Supreme leader of the democratic people's republic of korea (1994—2011).

Born February 16th, 1941 in Vyatskoye, Khabarovsk Krai.

Died December 17th, 2011 at 70 years old in Pyongyang (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Jimmy Savile

English dj, television presenter, media personality and paedophile (1926-2011).

Born October 31st, 1926 in Leeds.

Died October 29th, 2011 at 84 years old in Roundhay. [ref]

Randy Savage

American professional wrestler (1952-2011).

Born November 15th, 1952 in Columbus.

Died May 20th, 2011 at 58 years old in Seminole (myocardial infarction). [ref]

Christopher Hitchens

British-american author and journalist (1949-2011).

Born April 13th, 1949 in Portsmouth. [ref]

Died December 15th, 2011 at 62 years old in Houston (esophageal cancer, bronchopneumonia, cancer). [ref]

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Death is a distant rumor to the young. Andrew A. Rooney