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September 7th

175 Notable deaths

Mac Miller

American rapper and record producer.

Born January 19th, 1992 in Pittsburgh.

Died September 7th, 2018 at 26 years old in Los Angeles (drug overdose).

Keith Moon

English rock musician, drummer of the who.

Born August 23rd, 1946 in Central Middlesex Hospital. [ref]

Died September 7th, 1978 at 32 years old in Mayfair (drug overdose).

Mobutu Sese Seko

President of zaïre (1930-1997).

Born October 14th, 1930 in Lisala.

Died September 7th, 1997 at 66 years old in Rabat (prostate cancer).

Warren Zevon

American recording artist; singer-songwriter (1947-2003).

Born January 24th, 1947 in Chicago. [ref]

Died September 7th, 2003 at 56 years old in Los Angeles (lung cancer, mesothelioma). [ref]

Jennifer Kendal

English actress (1934–1984).

Born February 28th, 1933 in Southport.

Died September 7th, 1984 at 51 years old in London (colorectal cancer).

Karen Blixen

Danish writer.

Born April 17th, 1885 in Rungstedlund. [ref]

Died September 7th, 1962 at 77 years old in Rungstedlund. [ref]

Glenn Shadix

American actor (1952-2010).

Born April 15th, 1952 in Bessemer.

Died September 7th, 2010 at 58 years old in Birmingham (fall). [ref]

Christy Brown

Irish artist (1932-1981).

Born June 5th, 1932 in Dublin.

Died September 7th, 1981 at 49 years old in East Pennard (choking).

Dickie Moore

American actor (1925-2015).

Born September 12th, 1925 in Los Angeles.

Died September 7th, 2015 at 89 years old in Wilton (dementia).

Erma Franklin

American recording artist; gospel and soul singer.

Born March 13th, 1938 in Shelby. [ref]

Died September 7th, 2002 at 64 years old in Detroit (esophageal cancer). [ref]

Deaths 1 to 10 of 175

« 09/06
09/08 »

After your death, you will be what you were before your birth. Arthur Schopenhauer