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February 11th

191 Notable deaths

Whitney Houston

American singer, actress, and producer (1963–2012).

Born August 9th, 1963 in Newark. [ref]

Died February 11th, 2012 at 48 years old in Beverly Hills. [ref]

Sylvia Plath

American poet and writer (1932–1963).

Born October 27th, 1932 in Boston. [ref]

Died February 11th, 1963 at 30 years old in London (carbon monoxide poisoning). [ref]

Alexander McQueen

British fashion designer and couturier.

Born March 17th, 1969 in Lewisham.

Died February 11th, 2010 at 40 years old in Mayfair (hanging). [ref]

Frank Herbert

American writer (1920-1986).

Born October 8th, 1920 in Tacoma.

Died February 11th, 1986 at 65 years old in Madison (pancreatic cancer).

Mary Jackson

American mathematician and aerospace engineer (1921-2005).

Born April 9th, 1921 in Hampton.

Died February 11th, 2005 at 83 years old in Hampton.

Roger Vadim

French filmmaker (1928–2000).

Born January 26th, 1928 in Paris. [ref]

Died February 11th, 2000 at 72 years old in Paris (lymphoma). [ref]

Lee J. Cobb

American actor (1911-1976).

Born December 8th, 1911 in New York City. [ref]

Died February 11th, 1976 at 64 years old in Woodland Hills (Chies). [ref]

William Conrad

American actor and director (1920-1994).

Born September 27th, 1920 in Louisville.

Died February 11th, 1994 at 73 years old in Los Angeles (heart failure).

Vic Damone

American singer (1928-2018).

Born June 12th, 1928 in Brooklyn. [ref]

Died February 11th, 2018 at 89 years old in Miami Beach (respiratory failure). [ref]

Deendayal Upadhyaya

Rss thinker and co-founder of the political party bharatiya jana sangh.

Born September 25th, 1916 in Mathura district.

Died February 11th, 1968 at 51 years old in Mughalsarai.

Deaths 1 to 10 of 191

« 02/10
02/12 »

Anything I’ve done that was ultimately worthwhile initially scared me to death. Betty Bender