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French filmmaker (1928–2000).
Born January 26th, 1928 in Paris. [ref]
Died February 11th, 2000 at 72 years old in Paris (lymphoma). [ref]
Roger Vadim (1928-2000) passed away on February 11, 2000, at the age of 72. Born in France, he began his career as a director, screenwriter and producer with hits such as “And God Created Woman” (1956) and “Barbarella” (1968). His distinctive style of treating screenplays established him as a major figure on the international film scene of his time. He was the first to marry Brigitte Bardot who starred in “And God Created Woman” and had seven children in total. He also had relationships with British actress Jane Fonda, Annette Stroyberg, Catherine Deneuve and many more. He wrote several books and directed films in numerous countries, and his films were shown in festivals around the world. His career earned him multiple awards, such as a Thalia Award for Best Script in 1968. His films will remain as examples of his talent.
Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there’s a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see. Helen Keller (Remember that Helen Keller was blind)