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Frank Herbert

American writer (1920-1986).

Born October 8th, 1920 in Tacoma.

Died February 11th, 1986 at 65 years old in Madison (pancreatic cancer).

journalist, novelist, photographer, prosaist, science fiction writer, writer

On February 11th, 1986, Frank Herbert, author best known for his science-fiction novel "Dune", died at 65 years old. He developed a passion for writing early on and self-published his first novel, “The Dragon in the Sea”, in 1955. His breakout success came with the 1965 release of “Dune”, which won numerous prestigious awards and remains iconic in the science fiction genre to this day. “Dune” was the basis for a commercially successful film adaptation in 1984. Frank Herbert went on to write multiple best-selling novels in addition to “Dune”. His works include “The Jesus Incident”, “Children of Dune”, and “The White Plague”. He was also a successful journalist, having written for several publications including San Francisco Examiner and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Frank Herbert will be remembered for his unwavering commitment and enthusiasm for literature. He left behind a legacy of fantastic works that will be cherished for years to come.

Do not fear death so much but rather the inadequate life. Bertolt Brecht