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British musician and lead guitarist of the beatles (1943-2001).
Born February 25th, 1943 in Liverpool. [ref]
Died November 29th, 2001 at 58 years old in Los Angeles (lung cancer). [ref]
American actress (1938-1981).
Born July 20th, 1938 in San Francisco.
Died November 29th, 1981 at 43 years old in Santa Catalina Island (drowning). [ref]
British-american actor (1904-1986).
Born January 18th, 1904 in Bristol. [ref]
Died November 29th, 1986 at 82 years old in Davenport (stroke, cerebral hemorrhage). [ref]
American politician and diplomat (1923–2023).
Died November 29th, 2023 at 100 years old in Kent. [ref]
American stand-up comedian, radio personality, and actor (1969-2011).
Born December 7th, 1969 in New York City.
Died November 29th, 2011 at 41 years old in Jersey City (stroke). [ref]
Indian businessman.
Born July 29th, 1904 in Paris.
Died November 29th, 1993 at 89 years old in Geneva.
American boxer (1905-1974).
Born June 7th, 1905 in Hell's Kitchen.
Died November 29th, 1974 at 69 years old in North Bergen.
American actor (1932–2004).
Born June 4th, 1932 in Los Angeles. [ref]
Died November 29th, 2004 at 72 years old in Los Angeles (cancer). [ref]
Italian opera composer (1858–1924).
Born December 22nd, 1858 in Lucca. [ref]
Died November 29th, 1924 at 65 years old in City of Brussels (laryngeal cancer). [ref]
Croatian politician and soldier (1945-2017).
Born January 2nd, 1945 in Čapljina.
Died November 29th, 2017 at 72 years old in The Hague (cyanide poisoning). [ref]
Deaths 1 to 10 of 168
I shall not die of a cold. I shall die of having lived. Willa Cather