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African-american civil rights activist (1862–1931).
Born July 16th, 1862 in Holly Springs. [ref]
Died March 25th, 1931 at 68 years old in Chicago (uremia). [ref]
Chinese military and government official (1859-1916).
Born September 16th, 1859 in Xiangcheng City.
Died June 6th, 1916 at 56 years old in Beijing (uremia).
Acting first lady of the united states (1914-1915).
Born April 16th, 1886 in Georgia.
Died February 12th, 1944 at 57 years old in Pondicherry (uremia).
Japanese artist (1866-1924).
Born August 9th, 1866 in Higashisengoku-chō.
Died July 15th, 1924 at 57 years old in Tokyo City (uremia). [ref]
Japanese philosopher.
Born May 19th, 1870 in Kahoku.
Died June 7th, 1945 at 75 years old in Kamakura (uremia). [ref]
American makeup artist (1889-1968).
Died July 19th, 1968 at 79 years old in Hollywood (uremia).
Spanish operatic tenor.
Born December 1st, 1897 in Albalate de Cinca. [ref]
Died May 29th, 1938 at 40 years old in A Coruña (uremia). [ref]
Japanese artist (1885-1976).
Born May 12th, 1885 in Kōjimachi-ku.
Died April 9th, 1976 at 90 years old in Jikei University Daisan Hospital (uremia).
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The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there’s no risk of accident for someone who’s dead. Albert Einstein