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Irish novelist and poet (1882–1941).
Born February 2nd, 1882 in Rathgar. [ref]
Died January 13th, 1941 at 58 years old in Zürich (peritonitis). [ref]
Italian silent film actor (1895-1926).
Born May 6th, 1895 in Castellaneta. [ref]
Died August 24th, 1926 at 31 years old in New York City (peritonitis). [ref]
An american mobster in the 1920s and 1930s.
Born August 6th, 1902 in The Bronx.
Died October 24th, 1935 at 33 years old in Newark (peritonitis).
German politician, president of germany (1871-1925).
Born February 4th, 1871 in Heidelberg. [ref]
Died February 28th, 1925 at 54 years old in Berlin (peritonitis). [ref]
Silent film actress, model.
Born July 7th, 1895 in Chicago.
Died September 9th, 1921 at 26 years old in San Francisco (peritonitis).
Zainichi korean professional wrestler (1924-1963).
Born November 14th, 1924 in South Hamgyong Province.
Died December 15th, 1963 at 39 years old in Tokyo (peritonitis).
American painter and sculptor.
Born October 4th, 1861 in Canton. [ref]
Died December 26th, 1909 at 48 years old in Ridgefield (peritonitis). [ref]
American writer.
Born September 13th, 1876 in Camden. [ref]
Died March 8th, 1941 at 64 years old in Colón City (peritonitis). [ref]
Italian saint (1922-1962).
Born October 4th, 1922 in Magenta.
Died April 28th, 1962 at 39 years old in Monza (peritonitis).
Swiss freudian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst.
Born November 8th, 1884 in Zürich. [ref]
Died April 2nd, 1922 at 37 years old in Herisau (peritonitis). [ref]
Deaths 1 to 10 of 50
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Man always thinks about the past before he dies, as if he were frantically searching for proof that he truly lived. Jet Black