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4 Notable deaths
 by congenital heart disease

Aziz Shavershian

Russian-born australian bodybuilder and internet celebrity, absolute full time sick unit.

Born March 24th, 1989 in Moscow.

Died August 5th, 2011 at 22 years old in Bangkok, Pattaya (congenital heart disease). [ref]

Joe Strummer

British singer, musician and songwriter (1952-2002).

Born August 21st, 1952 in Ankara. [ref]

Died December 22nd, 2002 at 50 years old in Broomfield (congenital heart disease). [ref]

Robert Berdella

American serial killer, torturer and rapist.

Born January 31st, 1949 in Cuyahoga Falls.

Died October 8th, 1992 at 43 years old in Jefferson City (congenital heart disease).

Carme Chacón

Spanish defense minister.

Born March 13th, 1971 in Esplugues de Llobregat. [ref]

Died April 9th, 2017 at 46 years old in Madrid (congenital heart disease). [ref]

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The hardest thing you overcome are the ones that give the most meaning. Maxime Lagacé