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Mother of adolf hitler.
Born August 12th, 1860 in Weitra.
Died December 21st, 1907 at 47 years old in Urfahr.
German expressionist painter (1876–1907).
Born February 8th, 1876 in Dresden. [ref]
Died November 20th, 1907 at 31 years old in Worpswede (pulmonary embolism). [ref]
French writer.
Born October 8th, 1873 in Laval. [ref]
Died November 1st, 1907 at 34 years old in Paris (tuberculosis). [ref]
Filipino general, merchant and revolutionary (1870-1907).
Born March 1st, 1870 in Tondo.
Died January 9th, 1907 at 36 years old in Manila (hanging).
Shah of persia (1853-1907).
Born March 23rd, 1853 in Tehran.
Died January 3rd, 1907 at 53 years old in Tehran (heart failure).
Chinese revolutionary, feminist, and writer.
Born November 8th, 1875 in Xiamen.
Died July 17th, 1907 at 31 years old in Shaoxing (decapitation).
British theologian and writer 1850-1907.
Born November 3rd, 1850 in Manningtree.
Died May 6th, 1907 at 56 years old in Mount Pleasant.
British poet.
Born December 16th, 1859 in Preston. [ref]
Died November 13th, 1907 at 47 years old in London (tuberculosis). [ref]
French chemist.
Born September 28th, 1852 in Paris. [ref]
Died February 20th, 1907 at 54 years old in Paris (appendicitis). [ref]
Polish playwright, painter, poet, and interior designer.
Born January 15th, 1869 in Kraków. [ref]
Died November 28th, 1907 at 38 years old in Kraków. [ref]
Deaths 1 to 10 of 50
The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated. Mark Twain