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American pathologist, euthanasia activist (1928-2011).
Born May 26th, 1928 in Pontiac.
Died June 3rd, 2011 at 83 years old in Royal Oak (kidney failure). [ref]
It is with deep sorrow and regret that we announce the passing of Jack Kevorkian on June 3, 2011. Jack Kevorkian was born on May 26, 1928 in Pontiac, Michigan. He was 83 years old. Jack was a well-known American pathologist and medical practitioner who became heavily involved in the controversial subject of assisted suicide and euthanasia. He believed deeply in the right of terminally ill patients to end their own suffering and even fought for it in court. Dubbed "Dr. Death" by the media, Kevorkian was also a political activist who sought to advance legislation to legalize physician-assisted suicide. He will be remembered for advocating for the rights of terminally ill patients to end their own suffering and for his commitment to forestalling undue pain and suffering. Jack Kevorkian was a pioneer in death with dignity and his legacy of compassion and humanitarianism will never be forgotten.
Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. Unknown