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6 Notable deaths
 by anaphylaxis

James Stacy

American actor (1936-2016).

Born December 23rd, 1936 in Los Angeles. [ref]

Died September 9th, 2016 at 79 years old in Ventura (anaphylaxis). [ref]

Monty Oum

American animator.

Born June 22nd, 1981 in Providence.

Died February 1st, 2015 at 33 years old in Austin (anaphylaxis).

Steve Bridges

American actor and impressionist (1963-2012).

Born May 22nd, 1963 in Dallas.

Died March 3rd, 2012 at 48 years old in Los Angeles County (anaphylaxis). [ref]

Clara Nunes

Brazilian recording artist, singer.

Born August 12th, 1943 in Caetanópolis. [ref]

Died April 2nd, 1983 at 39 years old in Rio de Janeiro (anaphylaxis). [ref]

Andreas Kappes

Racing cyclist.

Born December 23rd, 1965 in Bremen.

Died July 31st, 2018 at 52 years old in Cologne (anaphylaxis).

Italia Almirante Manzini

Italian stage actor and actor.

Born June 3rd, 1890 in Taranto.

Died September 16th, 1941 at 51 years old in São Paulo (anaphylaxis).

Deaths 1 to 6 of 6


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He who is not busy being born is busy dying. Bob Dylan