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Willy Brandt

Chancellor of west germany (1969–1974), spd.

Born December 18th, 1913 in Sankt Lorenz. [ref]

Died October 8th, 1992 at 78 years old in Unkel (colorectal cancer). [ref]

Chancellor of Germany, autobiographer, journalist, non-fiction writer, politician

Willy Brandt, former Chancellor of West Germany, died on October 8, 1992, at the age of 78. Brandt was born in Lübeck, Germany, on December 18, 1913. During WW2, Brandt spent several years in exile in Norway where he was actively involved in the fight against the Nazi regime. After the war, Brandt returned to Germany, where he served as Minister of the Interior in the 1950s and Mayor of West Berlin in 1957. He joined the Social Democratic Party of Germany in 1945, and in 1965 he was elected first Chairman of the SPD. Brandt's legacy is primarily tied to his foreign policy. His "Ostpolitik" (or Eastern Policy) attempts to build better relationship with Eastem Europe were hugely successful, leading to the Stockholm Award in 1971 and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1971. His vision of a united Europe inspired efforts towards unification, including his involvement in brokering German reunification in 1989/90. Brandt is survived by his son, Peter, and his wife, Rut.

It is not length of life, but depth of life. Ralph Waldo Emerson