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Austro-hungarian-born austrian-american psychoanalyst (1897-1957).
Born March 24th, 1897 in Dobrianychi.
Died November 3rd, 1957 at 60 years old in Union County (heart failure). [ref]
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Wilhelm Reich, accomplished psychoanalyst and esteemed researcher, on November 3rd, 1957, at age 60. Reich was born in Dobrzcynica, Galicia in what is now Ukraine on March 24, 1897. He grew up in Vienna and studied medicine at the University of Vienna, where he became a protégé of Sigmund Freud before ultimately breaking away to pursue his own body of work. In 1933, he was forced to flee Vienna due to his opposition of Nazism and moved to Scandinavia before eventually settling in the United States in 1939. Over the years, Reich conducted experiments that led to multiple prestigious awards. His pioneering work in the fields of character, sexual reform and infant psychology informed his clinical approach and pioneering theories about the human psyche. He wrote many books on these topics, including The Function of the Orgasm, Character Analysis, The Mass Psychology of Fascism, and The Murder of Christ. Reich will surely be remembered as an influential figure in the psychoanalysis and psychotherapeutic fields and for helping to shape a greater understanding of the complex workings of the human mind. He is survived by his wife, Ilse Ollendorff Reich.
Death commences too early – almost before you’re half-acquainted with life – you meet the other. Tennessee Williams