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Whitey Bulger

American gangster and crime boss (1929-2018).

Born September 3rd, 1929 in Boston.

Died October 30th, 2018 at 89 years old in United States Penitentiary, Hazelton (lynching, blunt trauma). [ref]

criminal, gangster, serial killer

Whitey Bulger, infamous Boston-based American mob boss, passed away on October 30th, 2018 at the age of 89. Born in 1929 in Boston, Massachusetts, Whitey Bulger gained infamy in the 1970s as a major player in organized crime in the Boston area. He founded the South Boston-based crime organization, the Winter Hill Gang, and his reputation only grew as he rose through the ranks of the Irish Mob. Wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, he went into hiding for 16 years until 2011 when he was arrested in Santa Monica, California. Bulger's notoriety followed him throughout the criminal proceedings that stemmed from his arrest and conviction in 2013 on charges of racketeering,money laundering, extortion, and multiple murder counts. Other misdeeds linked to Bulger included multiple robberies during the '60s and '70s in Massachusetts and Oklahoma; charges of bribery, gambling, weapons possession, and drug trafficking; and corruption of various law enforcement officials. In 2018, Whitey Bulger passed away at the age of 89. He was buried in a private ceremony.

Try as much as possible to be wholly alive with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell. And when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough. William Saroyan