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Vincent van Gogh

Dutch post-impressionist painter (1853–1890).

Born March 30th, 1853 in Zundert. [ref]

Died July 29th, 1890 at 37 years old in Auberge Ravoux (ballistic trauma). [ref]

drawer, painter, printmaker

Vincent van Gogh, the renowned Post-Impressionist Dutch painter died on 1890-07-29 00:00:00 UTC at the age of 37. Van Gogh is one of the most famous and influential figures in the history of art and was widely known for his pioneering works in the late 19th century. During his decade-long career, van Gogh produced over 2,100 works, including 850 oil paintings, which depicted different genres including landscapes, portraits, and still lifes. During his time, he was renowned for his use of bold, vibrant colors, thick yet visible brushstrokes, and the characteristic elements found in the individual paintings. His works have become some of the most highly sought after and expensive pieces of art. Van Gogh's work had a profound impact on modern art, and has inspired future generations of artists. Though his turbulent life and illnesses caused a significant amount of anguish and suffering, his work has had an everlasting influence on the world of art. He will be dearly missed.

Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them. George Eliot