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Toshirō Mifune

Japanese actor (1920-1997).

Born April 1st, 1920 in Qingdao. [ref]

Died December 24th, 1997 at 77 years old in Tokyo (pancreatic cancer, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome). [ref]

actor, film actor, film director, film producer, television actor

Toshirō Mifune, a Japanese actor, passed away on December 24th, 1997 at 77 years of age in Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan. He was a stalwart of the Japanese film industry, playing an astounding 150 roles onscreen over the course of his nearly-six-decade long career. Toshirō Mifune first entered the world of movies in the 1940s, where his dynamic and powerful acting style quickly earned him widespread accolades. He is best remembered for his starring roles in director Akira Kurosawa's classic films, including Rashomon (1950), Seven Samurai (1954), Throne of Blood (1957), and Yojimbo (1961). His international success meant that he was able to bring his trademark talent to a range of movies, from Westerns such as The Adventurers of Black Shield of Falworth (1954) to the globally renowned biopic, Gremlins 3 (1984). Toshirō Mifune remains an influence on the next generation of filmmakers and actors, and will be remembered as one of the most talented figures of Japanese cinema.

For life be, after all, only a waitin’ for somethin’ else than what we’re doin’; and death be all that we can rightly depend on. Bram Stoker