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British politician, writer and diarist (1925–2014).
Born April 3rd, 1925 in Marylebone.
Died March 14th, 2014 at 88 years old in London (chronic lymphocytic leukemia).
Sir Anthony Neil Wedgwood Benn, who was born at Marylebone in London on 3 April 1925, passed away on 14 March 2014 at the age of 88. Benn was an eminent British politician known for his left-wing views, strong oratory skills and support for workers' rights and disarmament. His political career spanned more than five decades, beginning in 1950 when he became the youngest ever Member of Parliament at 25 years old. His roles included Secretary of State for Industry, Energy, and later for the Environment, and he also served as President of the Board of Trade. Benn was an impassioned campaigner and, in 1960, was one of 25 founding members of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND). He was also a tireless campaigner for equality and workers' rights, a founding member of the Socialist Environment and Resources Association (SERA), and a supporter of the successful campaign for an independent Scottish Parliament. Benn was also known for his devotion to democracy, free speech and constitutional reform. Throughout his political career, he was committed to making governments more accountable to their people. His autobiography, Conflicts of Interest, expressed his lasting conviction that "opposing views need to be listened to with respect". Benn was a Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), an Honorary Associate of the Rationalist Association, and in 2002 was awarded an honorary DLitt by Stirling University. Until the day of his passing, Benn remained an influential public figure and active writer, producing eleven books of diaries, books on politics, and other manuscripts. His memory will long be remembered by the British public.
By becoming deeply aware of our mortality, we intensify our experience of every aspect of life. Robert Greene