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Tab Hunter

American actor and singer (1931-2018).

Born July 11th, 1931 in Manhattan.

Died July 8th, 2018 at 86 years old in Santa Barbara (thrombosis). [ref]

film actor, novelist, singer, stage actor, television actor

Tab Hunter, renowned actor, passed away on July 8 2018 at the age of 86. Tab worked in the Hollywood industry, primarily in the 1950s and 60s, and appeared in over 40 films and television series throughout his career. He starred in numerous films, such as The Sea Chase, The Burning Hills, and That Kind of Woman, and he also appeared on TV shows such as The Tab Hunter Show and The Love Boat. In addition, he released a series of albums and is well known for his hit single Young Love. Tab was the recipient of the Golden Globe Henrietta Award in 2001 and was inducted into the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2004. Although he was primarily known for his work in films and TV, Tab is remembered for his sense of style and his determination and ambition that served as an inspiration to many. He will be greatly missed.

Death pays all debts. William Shakespeare