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1st president of the republic of indonesia.

Born June 6th, 1901 in Surabaya. [ref]

Died June 21st, 1970 at 69 years old in Jakarta (kidney failure). [ref]


On June 21, 1970, Mr. Sukarno, former President of the Republic of Indonesia, passed away at the age of 69. Born Kusmasa Dyah Permadi Sukarnoputra in 1901 in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, he was the leader of the Indonesian independence struggle against the Dutch in the 1940s. During this time, he wrote the nationalist Kita Hachimangaraka document and declared the state independent. He became the first president of the Republic of Indonesia when it was declared in 1945. For the next 25 years, he held the office of president. He founded the Non-Aligned Movement in 1961 and led Indonesia’s successful efforts to join the United Nations in 1950. He also reshaped the economy of Indonesia by creating the philosophy of Guided Economy. Under his leadership, Indonesia also achieved major accomplishments in technological and scientific research. In 1965, he ordered the establishment of a national research center, the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN). This was also the foundation for Indonesia’s achievements in space exploration, including launching the Palapa satellite from LAPAN’s space center in 1976. After leaving office in 1967, Sukarno passed away three years later on June 21, 1970, at 69 years old. His life and legacy to modern day Indonesia will never be forgotten.

The harder the pain, the longer the path to recovery, the better the opportunity to learn. Maxime Lagacé