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Steve Biko

Anti-apartheid activist in south africa (1946-1977).

Born December 18th, 1946 in Qonce. [ref]

Died September 12th, 1977 at 30 years old in Pretoria. [ref]

civil rights advocate, politician, trade unionist, writer

Today, we mourn the loss of Steven Bantu Biko, a highly revered, influential South African anti-apartheid activist, who was born on December 18, 1946. Steve Biko sadly passed away on September 12, 1977 at the age of 30. He was a steadfast leader in the Black Consciousness Movement that pushed for the rights and equality of black people in South Africa. The inspiring and spirited leader fought valiantly for the advancement of black people in Apartheid. He was an author, a passionate speaker, and a founder of several organizations designed to elevate black individuals. Despite having his fair share of trials and tribulations, Steve Biko persevered throughout his journey. His story of resilience and courage will remain in the hearts of those who were forever touched by him and his story. He was preceded in death by his parents Mzimgayi and Mkabisa Biko, as well as his uncle Canon Doyle. He is survived by his then wife Ntsiki Mashalaba-Biko, and their two children Nkosinathi and Samora Biko. His legacy will live on perpetually and we can honor him by continuing to fight for social justice and equality.

Man always thinks about the past before he dies, as if he were frantically searching for proof that he truly lived. Jet Black