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Roger Ailes

American television executive and political consultant.

Born May 15th, 1940 in Warren. [ref]

Died May 18th, 2017 at 77 years old in Palm Beach. [ref]

businessperson, politician, television producer

On May 18, 2017, Roger Ailes, age 77, passed away. Ailes dedicated decades to broadcast journalism, having spent more than 2 decades as the Chairman and CEO of Fox News Channel and the Fox Television Stations Group. Prior to that, he held a variety of other executive positions at media organizations, including CNBC and America’s Talking. He also advised several world leaders and presidents, including President Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush. He was an acclaimed author whose works included books such as You Are the Message: Secrets of the Masters and Ailes: Television News & American Life. Ailes was a dedicated journalist and businessman and will be remembered for his commitment to broadcast news.

He who is not busy being born is busy dying. Bob Dylan