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Otto Hahn

German chemist.

Born March 8th, 1879 in Frankfurt am Main. [ref]

Died July 28th, 1968 at 89 years old in Göttingen. [ref]

autobiographer, chemist, non-fiction writer, nuclear physicist, university teacher

Otto Hahn, a Nobel Prize-winning German chemist, passed away on July 28th, 1968, at the age of 89. Born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, in 1879, Hahn was a pioneer in the field of chemistry, performing seminal work on radioactivity and the transmutation of chemical elements through bombardment with subatomic particles. During his career, Hahn discovered the elements protactinium and barium, and was the first to extract uranium from the ore in quantity. He isolated and identified several radioactive elements, including radium. His most consequential work was the discovery of nuclear fission. Hahn is credited as being the first to identify the phenomenon of nuclear fission and to explain how it works. In 1945 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. In his later years, Hahn taught at the University of Mainz and then at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry. He served as the president of the International Atomic Energy Agency from 1960 to 1961. The world has lost a true pioneer of science. Otto Hahn's contributions to chemistry will continue to be remembered and honored for years to come.

What we have once enjoyed deeply we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. Helen Keller