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Oskar Schindler

German industrialist and holocaust rescuer.

Born April 28th, 1908 in Svitavy. [ref]

Died October 9th, 1974 at 66 years old in Hildesheim (liver failure). [ref]

businessperson, entrepreneur, fabricator, industrialist, resistance fighter, sales representative

Oskar Schindler, a German businessman and war-time hero, passed away on October 9th, 1974 at the age of 66. Schindler rose to fame for his courageous and significant role in saving the lives of more than 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust. He orchestrated a series of intricate operations designed to the shield the lives of Jews from the Nazi regime, using a combination of bribes, leverage of contacts and other methods. Born in the Zwittau region of the then Austro-Hungarian Empire on April 28, 1908, Schindler attended trade school and then worked in several factories where he developed business skills. The actions of Oskar Schindler cast a long shadow on history, such that the name of Schindler is forever remembered and praised around the world. He will be dearly missed.

The harder the pain, the longer the path to recovery, the better the opportunity to learn. Maxime Lagacé