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Romanian communist leader from 1965 to 1989.
Born January 26th, 1918 in Scornicești. [ref]
Died December 25th, 1989 at 71 years old in Târgoviște (ballistic trauma). [ref]
Nicolae Ceaușescu, former President of Romania and General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party, passed away on 25 December 1989 at the age of 71. Ceaușescu's rise through the Romanian government started in 1957 with his appointment as First Secretary of the Communist Youth League. He became Secretary General of the Romanian Communist Party in 1965, and later, President in 1967. During his time in office, Ceaușescu implemented a wide range of economic policies which sought to improve the standard of living for the Romanian people. He also introduced measures which created more freedom of expression. Ceaușescu was ousted from power in 1989, in a revolution led by people who had grown disaffected with his rule. He was later tried and convicted of crimes against the state, after which he was executed. Ceaușescu will be remembered as a controversial figure in Romania's history. His legacy will continue to be discussed and debated among scholars for generations to come.
It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it’s called Life. Terry Pratchett