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German musician, model and actress, one of warhol's superstars (1938-1988).
Born October 16th, 1938 in Cologne. [ref]
Died July 18th, 1988 at 49 years old in Ibiza (bicycle accident). [ref]
Nico, the inventive singer-songwriter and actor, passed away on July 18, 1988, at the age of 49. Born as Christopher Zander, Nico was born in Cologne, Germany in 1938. Through her mother, she was of Polish and German descent, and her stepfather was trained as a sculptor. Her career journey started at age sixteen, when she went to Berlin and became an actress. From there, she went on to perform with a series of avant-garde bands including The Velvet Underground and solo as a singer-songwriter. During this time, she worked with renowned musicians such as John Cale and Lou Reed. Nico's singing career is remembered for its uniqueness. She explored many genres, from folk and classical to pop and electronica. Her haunting sound captivated audiences and music fans alike, and that her work was often covered by bigger name artists and remains an influence in both the rock and pop worlds. Nico was an early pioneer of performance art, joining the independent film movement in Europe and creating a trilogy of her own experimental short films. She eventually settled in Manchester, England to raise her son. Nico is remembered for her contributions as a musician, actor, and performance artist. Her music and body of work will continue to live on for generations.
Though death be poor, it ends a mortal woe. William Shakespeare