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Napoleon Hill

American author.

Born October 26th, 1883 in Wise County. [ref]

Died November 8th, 1970 at 87 years old in South Carolina. [ref]

author, essayist, journalist, lawyer, professor, reporter, writer

Napoleon Hill, an American writer and philosopher, died on November 8th, 1970 at the age of 87. He is most famous for his best-selling book, Think and Grow Rich, which has inspired generations of readers to better their lives and achieve success. Hill was born in a small rural community of Virginia in 1883. At the age of 19, he traveled to New England to pursue a career in journalism. After writing for various newspapers, Hill was hand-picked by industrialist Andrew Carnegie to research the principles of successful people and meaningful success. The result of Hill's research was a book, which eventually became the classic “Think and Grow Rich”. Hill was also the author of “Outwitting the Devil”, “Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude”, and “The Law of Success”, amongst many other books. His works also served as the start of the self-help movement. Hill saw himself as a teacher and mentor who showed people how to reach their financial and personal goals. Hill was respected worldwide as an author and lecturer on success and motivation. His legacy lives through the countless people he inspired to achieve their dreams. Hill will be deeply missed by those whose lives he touched.

If life must not be taken too seriously, then so neither must death. Samuel Butler