Millvina Dean

Last remaining survivor of titanic disaster.

Born February 2nd, 1912 in Branscombe.

Died May 31st, 2009 at 97 years old in Ashurst (pneumonia). [ref]


Millvina Dean, a lifelong resident of England, passed away on May 31st, 2009, at the age of 97. Millvina was best known for her remarkable link to the story of the Titanic, having been an infant survivor of the ship’s sinking. She was nine weeks old when the RMS Titanic set sail from Southampton, England, in 1912, and one of the approximately 705 survivors -- the last living connection to the central event of what has become one of the most famous tragedies in history. Millvina’s other accomplishments included being an active member in her local community, a frequenter of public Titanic events and fundraisers, and a winning figure in several documentaries about the Titanic, including the award-winning A Night to Remember (1958). Her legacy will be remembered, with her poignant life story providing a lasting influence on the many admirers of the famous Titanic tale.

To die will be an awfully big adventure. Peter Pan