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Melissa Mathison

Film producer of disney (1950-2015).

Born June 3rd, 1950 in Los Angeles.

Died November 4th, 2015 at 65 years old in Los Angeles (cancer). [ref]

executive producer, screenwriter

Melissa Mathison, an award-winning screenwriter and producer, passed away on November 4, 2015 at the age of 65. Mathison was widely known for her critically-acclaimed screenplay from 1984's "ET the Extra-Terrestrial." She also wrote the screenplay for "The Black Stallion" (1979) and the adaptations for the "The Indian in the Cupboard" (1995) and "Kundun" (1997). Mathison's most recent works included writing the screenplay for the 2015 Pixar movie "The Good Dinosaur" and producing the HBO miniseries "Cujo" (1983). Born on June 3, 1950 in Los Angeles, Mathison was educated at USC, and worked as a production assistant on several movies before starting her own career in filmmaking. Mathison was the recipient of a number of accolades, including being nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for "ET the Extra-Terrestrial" (1983). Mathison is survived by her husband Mark Johnson and two children, Sophia and Eugene.

It is the secret of the world that all things subsist and do not die, but retire a little from sight and afterwards return again. Ralph Waldo Emerson