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American playwright and writer.
Born May 19th, 1930 in Chicago. [ref]
Died January 12th, 1965 at 34 years old in New York City (pancreatic cancer). [ref]
On January 12th, 1965, Lorraine Hansberry, a celebrated playwright, novelist, and civil rights activist, passed away from cancer at the age of 34. Lorraine was born in Chicago, Illinois on May 19th, 1930 to Carl Augustus Hansberry, a successful real estate broker, and Nannie Louise Perry, a schoolteacher. Lorraine Hansberry was best known for her works of art, including the timeless play, A Raisin in the Sun, which debuted on Broadway in 1959 and earned her numerous accolades including becoming the first African American female to have a play produced on Broadway. She published several novels including The Drinking Gourd, and was involved in the civil rights movement, championing the works of black writers. Lorraine had a lasting influence on theatre, literature, and the civil rights movement, and her legacy will live on forever.
What we have once enjoyed deeply we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. Helen Keller