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Linda Tripp

American civil servant (1949-2020).

Born November 24th, 1949 in Jersey City.

Died April 8th, 2020 at 70 years old (pancreatic cancer). [ref]

civil servant, whistleblower

Linda Rose Tripp, born in Salisbury, Maryland in 1949, passed away at age 70 in 2020. During her life, Linda was a military wife and a civil servant who worked for the Department of Defense, the Pentagon and the U.S. Coast Guard. Linda is perhaps best known for her involvement in the Lewinsky scandal that led to the impeachment of President Bill Clinton in 1998. Linda was a friend of Monica Lewinsky and secretly recorded her conversations with Lewinsky about her affair with the President, which she then shared with news outlets. In addition to her involvement in the impeachment proceedings, Linda was a founding member of the Virginia Citizens Defense League. She also volunteered to support wounded military veterans. Linda greatly enjoyed spending time in her cabin in West Virginia and enjoyed swimming, quilting and competitive shooting. Linda is survived by her four grown children, Tricia, Tucker, Tyler and Timothy, and three grandchildren. She will be greatly missed.

No one here gets out alive. Jim Morrison