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Leslie Nielsen

Canadian actor and comedian (1926-2010).

Born February 11th, 1926 in Regina. [ref]

Died November 28th, 2010 at 84 years old in Fort Lauderdale (pneumonia). [ref]

comedian, film actor, film producer, television actor, voice actor

Leslie Nielsen, renowned Canadian-American actor and comedian, passed away on November 28, 2010 at the age of 84 after suffering from complications related to pneumonia. His career spans six decades, beginning in the 1950s. He had his first breakthrough role in the 1956 hit movie Forbidden Planet. He went on to appear in more than 100 films and television shows throughout his career. Some of his best-known performances include films such as Airplane!, The Naked Gun series, and Police Squad! He was also a star of television, appearing in many television programs, including WKRP in Cincinnati, Electrical, Benson, 7th Heaven, The Love Boat, and some memorable voice work in Futurama. Throughout his career, Nielsen remained a beloved figure in the entertainment industry for his distinct and comedic characters. He received critical acclaim for his performance in the feature film, DRLA Election, in which he portrayed protagonist President Leslie McCloud. Further, he wrote two books, The Naked Truth in 1992 and The Naked Truth About Love in 1994. Leslie Nielsen is survived by his wife, Barbaree, and his daughters Maura, Thea, and Gail.

When people don’t express themselves, they die one piece at a time. Laurie Halse Anderson