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Kenneth Kaunda

First president of zambia (1924–2021).

Born April 28th, 1924 in Chinsali.

Died June 17th, 2021 at 97 years old in Lusaka (pneumonia).

politician, teacher

Kenneth Kaunda, a statesman, African liberation hero, and Zambian independence leader, passed away on June 17, 2021 at the age of 97. Kaunda is remembered for leading the Zambian independence movement and fighting for African liberation in the midst of racial discrimination, colonialism, and apartheid. Born in Chinsali, Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) in 1924, Kaunda was active in politics from an early age. He went to college in the United Kingdom to study economics and returned home to lead a political movement in the 1950s. In 1964, he formed the United National Independence Party (UNIP) with the goal of achieving Zambian independence. He served as the country's first president when Zambia became independent in 1964. During his eleven years as president, he implemented a socialist economic plan for improving the country's infrastructure and promoting civil rights in the face of external opposition. From then on, Kenneth Kaunda remained active in the fight for African liberation and worked with international institutions such as the United Nations and the African Union. He left an indelible mark on Zambia with his statesmanship, leadership, and commitment to social justice and African liberation. He will be remembered as an iconic figure in African history.

Man always thinks about the past before he dies, as if he were frantically searching for proof that he truly lived. Jet Black