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Ken Starr

American judge and educational administrator.

Born July 21st, 1946 in Vernon.

Died September 13th, 2022 at 76 years old in Houston. [ref]

judge, lawyer, politician, prosecutor, university teacher

Ken Starr, former Texan judge, lawyer, and Clinton-era Independent Counsel, passed away on September 13, 2022. He was 76 years old. Ken was born in Vernon, Texas on July 21, 1946. He received his undergraduate degree from George Washington University in 1968 and his law degree from Duke University in 1973. Ken became a professor at New York University in 1975 and began working for the Reagan administration in the early 1980s. He was appointed to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in 1983, and later to the Court of Appeals of the Fifth Circuit in 1989. In 1994 President Bill Clinton appointed Ken as Independent Counsel to investigate the Whitewater Controversy. This eventually led to Clinton's impeachment proceedings in the U.S. House of Representatives, which Ken oversaw. Ken returned to academia in 2003, taking a job as the Dean of Baylor University's law school where he served for several years until he resigned following the university's sexual assault scandal. In 2018 he was appointed Partner at the law firm of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan. Ken strived for fairness, accuracy, and personal integrity in all of his legal endeavors. He will be remembered for his sharp mind, witty humor, and integrity as a lawyer.

Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets. Arthur Miller