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American filmmaker, producer and screenwriter (1944-2017).
Born February 22nd, 1944 in Baldwin.
Died April 26th, 2017 at 73 years old in Manhattan (esophageal cancer). [ref]
On April 26th, 2017, Jonathan Demme, esteemed filmmaker, producer, and writer, passed away at 73 years old. Jonathan Demme's award-winning career spanned over thirty five years. His Academy Award productions include Silence of the Lambs, Philadelphia, and Melvin and Howard. Demme was also well known for his music documentaries of the Talking Heads, Neil Young and the Stop Making Sense Tour. His other successful films include Cousin Bobby, The Manchurian Candidate, Rachel Getting Married, and Beloved. Jonathan Demme was also active in television production. His work included the HBO Films films An Early Frost and Visit to a Small Planet. He also directed numerous television music behavior and show's, such as the Obama infomercial Yes We Can. Jonathan Demme was born in Baldwin, New York on February 22, 1944. He is survived by his wife, the artist Joanne Howard, three children, two grandchildren, and many extended family. He will be remembered for his unique films, his contagious enthusiasm for film making, and his love of music.
No one really knows why they are alive until they know what they’d die for. Martin Luther King Jr.