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John Wojtowicz

American bank robber.

Born March 9th, 1945 in New York City.

Died January 2nd, 2006 at 60 years old in New York City (cancer). [ref]

bank robber

John Wojtowicz (1945 - 2006) passed away on January 2nd, 2006 at the age of 60. John was a native of Brooklyn, New York, who served in the United States Marine Corps before working as a wedding photographer and hairdresser. He was an advocate for LGBTQ rights, and was the inspiration for the 1975 movie, "Dog Day Afternoon". John was preceded in death by his father, Stanley Wojtowicz, as well as his companion, Ernest Aron. He is survived by his children, Donna Damico, Val Wojtowicz, and Marianne Wojtowicz. He will be missed greatly by all of his family and friends.

Death: something like birth, a natural mystery, elements that split and recombine. Not an embarrassing thing. Not an offense to reason, or our nature. Marcus Aurelius