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Jeanne Calment

French supercentenarian, oldest human.

Born February 21st, 1875 in Arles.

Died August 4th, 1997 at 122 years old in Arles (senility). [ref]


Jeanne Louise Calment, a French supercentenarian who was the longest-living human confirmed by modern documentation, passed away on August 4th, 1997, at the age of 122 years old. Born in Arles, France on February 21st, 1875, Jeanne lived a remarkable life that was filled with a diverse array of experiences. She was an artist, a store owner, and a remarkably self-assured woman. As a young woman, she experienced many of the advances in modern society, such as electric lights being installed and the release of the first cars. Jeanne was married to her husband Fernand Calment for 21 years. He passed away in 1942. Jeanne lived a remarkably independent life, living alone into her final days. She was an eternal optimist, attributing her longevity to her optimistic outlook, her diet of olive oil, and her consumption of "two glasses of port every day." Near the end of her remarkable life, she became famous. Millions of people were fascinated by her, and she was interviewed countless times. Every day she was flooded with letters from around the world. During one interview, she commented on her looming mortality by saying "I've never had major health problems, besides my willingness to live!" Jeanne Calment's life was an amazing chapter in human history and her legacy will live on for many generations to come.

When I shall die, let it be doing that I had designed. Ovid