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German war criminal, wife of camp commandant karl-otto koch.
Born September 22nd, 1906 in Dresden.
Died September 2nd, 1967 at 60 years old in Aichach (hanging).
Ilse Koch, known as the "Beast of Buchenwald," died on September 2, 1967 at the age of 60. Koch, famously regarded for her husband, concentration camp commandant Karl Otto Koch, was held in captivity twice after the liberation of Nazi concentration camps. After the first trial in 1947, Koch was sentenced to life in prison; however, her conviction and sentence were overturned in 1951 by a German court. Koch served a few more years in jail prior to her release in September 1966. Koch's reign of terror and cruelty in multiple concentration camps had a lasting impact on her incarcerated victims. She is remembered for her brutal sadism and her penchant for collecting objects from prisoners, leading to her nickname. Koch's death brought an end to her story and to an era of terror and violence through the Holocaust. She will be remembered as a symbol of the worst of humanity.
No one here gets out alive. Jim Morrison