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Howard Carter

British egyptologist.

Born May 9th, 1874 in Brompton, Kensington. [ref]

Died March 2nd, 1939 at 64 years old in London (lymphoma). [ref]


Howard Carter, an influential archaeologist and Egyptologist, passed away on March 2, 1939 at the age of 64. Born in London, England, Carter began his studies in Egyptology at the age of 17 when he joined the staff of Egyptologist Flinders Petrie. After surveying for ancient sites in Egypt's Nile Valley, Carter found audio prosperity as an instructor to the 5th Earl of Carnarvon, whom he guided on his excavations in the Valley of the Kings. Carter is perhaps best known for his discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun, an intact 18th Dynasty Pharaoh, in Luxor, Egypt in 1922. As a result of his discovery, Carter opened the tomb to the scientific world, and formally revealed the prized contents that revealed to archeologists the life of a powerful Pharaoh over 3,000 years ago. Carter's accomplishments were recognized in England and abroad, including three awards for his incredible discovery- the Order of the British Empire, German Academy of Science, and French Academy of Inscription and Belles-Lettres. The legacy of Howard Carter remains alive in the history books today, remembered for his undying ambition and dedication to uncovering the mysteries of Egypt's past.

The harder the pain, the longer the path to recovery, the better the opportunity to learn. Maxime Lagacé