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Henri Charrière

French convict and author (1906-1973).

Born November 16th, 1906 in Saint-Étienne-de-Lugdarès.

Died July 29th, 1973 at 66 years old in Madrid (esophageal cancer).

adventurer, memoirist, screenwriter, writer

On July 29, 1973, the world lost a remarkable man, Henri Charrière, at the age of 66. Born in Nantes, France, in 1906, Henri became an acclaimed author of fictionalized memoirs, releasing his most famous work “Papillon” in 1969. Henri was a colorful person with a large appetite for adventure. As a young man, he was an experienced boxer, a skilled locksmith and an accomplished gambler. However, perhaps Henri’s most defining moment was his imprisonment in French Guiana in a penal colony, which he described in his memoir “Papillon”. While he was incarcerated, Henri made two daring escape attempts which gave him notoriety and gained him the nickname ‘Papillon’ for his courageous spirit. Following his release from prison in 1945, Henri moved to Venezuela where he published his initial manuscripts. He continued to write, and even co-wrote the screenplay for the film adaptation of “Papillon”, which was released in 1973. With the life of Henri Charrière, the world has lost an inspiring storyteller, a skilled locksmith, a daring adventurer, and a talented boxer. He will never be forgotten.

Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die. Amelia Burr