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Heather Menzies

Canadian actress (1949-2017).

Born December 3rd, 1949 in Toronto.

Died December 24th, 2017 at 68 years old in Quinte West (brain cancer). [ref]

actor, film actor, stage actor, television actor

Heather Menzies (February 3 1950 - December 24 2017) died aged 68, following a brief but private illness. She is survived by her beloved husband, actor and producer Richard Rudman, and their three children, actress Sarah, son Ryan and daughter Amanda. She had seven grandchildren, one of whom is Gia Wilde, also an actress. A Canadian-born actress, Menzies appeared in several iconic films, including The Sound of Music and Piranha. She was most widely recognised for her role in the NBC television series Logan's Run as Jessica 6, from 1977-78. Menzies is remembered fondly for her success in film and television, and her ability to bring joy to people through the characters she portrayed.

The harder the pain, the longer the path to recovery, the better the opportunity to learn. Maxime Lagacé