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Hari Singh

Indian politician and the last ruling maharaja of the princely state of jammu and kashmir in india (1895-1961).

Born September 21st, 1895 in Jammu.

Died April 26th, 1961 at 65 years old in Mumbai.


Hari Singh (b. March 1, 1896 - d. April 26, 1961) passed away Wednesday morning at the age of 65. Hari was born in India and worked as a farmer and fruit seller in the community. He was widely known as a kind and generous man who enjoyed cooking and sharing his meals with his friends and family. He was also devoted to his faith, and took part in many religious ceremonies and festivals. In his lifetime, Hari had four children, whom he raised and provided for with his hard work and caring attitude. He will be fondly remembered and dearly missed by his family and loved ones.

No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away. Terry Pratchett