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Major player in the cocaine trade in the united states in the 1970s and early 1980s.
Born August 6th, 1942 in Boston.
Died May 5th, 2021 at 78 years old in Weymouth (kidney failure, liver failure). [ref]
George Jung, 78, passed away on 2021-05-05 at his home in the Netherlands. He was born in 1942 to a German-American family in Boston, Massachusetts. George Jung was a career criminal and drug trafficker. He is personally responsible for much of the cocaine that was smuggled into the United States in the 1970s and 1980s. Dubbed "Boston George" by the press and law enforcement, his criminal career and life was later depicted in Portrait of an American Gangster and the movie Blow, which was based on his life. Although Jung was an accomplished smuggler, he showcased a unique entrepreneurial spirit. He took a role coordinating much of the cocaine imports for the MedellĂn Cartel when it was at its peak of power. At the height of his career, Jung was the premier cocaine trafficking enterprise of the United States, estimated to be worth anywhere between $100 million and $400 million. He was eventually arrested in 1994 in Chicago and sentenced to 60 years in prison. He served almost 20 years in federal prison before becoming eligible for transfer to a supervised residence in 2014. George Jung is survived by his daughter, Kristina Sunshine Jung, and his sister, Elizabeth Hallmann. May he rest in peace.
Death takes no bribes. Benjamin Franklin