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Gary Cooper

American actor (1901-1961).

Born May 7th, 1901 in Helena. [ref]

Died May 13th, 1961 at 60 years old in Beverly Hills (prostate cancer). [ref]

actor, film actor, screenwriter, television actor

Gary Cooper, acclaimed actor and film star, died on May 13th, 1961 at the age of 60. He was born Frank James Cooper on May 7th, 1901 in Montana to English immigrant parents. Cooper began his acting career in the 1920's after he moved to Hollywood in search of the American dream. His career saw its peak in the 1930's and 1940's when he took on several starring roles, many of which earned him Academy Award nominations. Cooper was awarded two Best Actor Oscars, the first of which was for his role in the 1930 movie 'Morocco', and the second for his performance in 'Sergeant York' a decade later in 1941. Aside from his talent for movies, Cooper was also an accomplished painter, and had many interests outside of the film industry. He is survived by his daughter Maria ("Mikie") and his wife Veronica. His legacy will remain in the preservation of some of his most iconic works.

Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste timeā€¦ It tells us to tell each other right now that we love each other. Leo Buscaglia