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New zealand-born british physicist (1871–1937).
Born August 30th, 1871 in Spring Grove. [ref]
Died October 19th, 1937 at 66 years old in Cambridge. [ref]
We sadly report the passing of Ernest Rutherford on October 19th, 1937. He was 66 years old. An esteemed physicist, Rutherford is remembered for his phenomenal contributions to science, particularly in the areas of radioactivity, atomic structure, and nucleus transmutation. He was the first to break down the atom, and his research has long been acclaimed in the field of nuclear science. He attended Canterbury University in his native New Zealand, followed by Cambridge University in England, where he conducted some of his most recognized work. He ultimately attained the title of "The Father of Nuclear Physics". In 1908, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his groundbreaking work in discovering alpha and beta particles, and his determination that atoms contain a small, heavy nucleus. Rutherford always had a passion for his life’s work, once famously remarking that science had brought him “more real satisfaction than any other pursuit in life”. He left us an incredible legacy that will be treasured for generations to come .
The highest tribute to the dead is not grief but gratitude. Thornton Wilder